Family advice with 11. soc

Angliski, Padomi

Dear 11. soc,

I have got a step- sister; she is 20 years old and I am 17 years old. She has a different mother, but we live with our father and my mother. We do not have the best relationship, but I love her anyway and call her my sister, while she calls me step-sister. I do not like that, and want to have an amazing relationship. What should I do to improve the relationship?

Dear Reader,

You should get into thing she likes. The most important thing is to communicate with her at her chosen time, as she is older and does not have as much free time as you. When you talk with your step-sister, you need to be kind and coherent. The more you talk with her, the closer you will get.


Dear 11. soc,

My ex- boyfriend started dating my cousin. I am not angry with her, but when she comes to visit me, he is always with her. I have stayed on good terms with him, but I feel uncomfortable with them. What should I do? I do not want to offend her, but I like spending time with my cousin.

Dear Reader,

Communication is the most important thing in every relationship. You should tell your cousin how you feel, and if your cousin respects you she will do something to make you feel better. Do not hurt her feelings, but be kind and respectful.

Dear 11. soc,

I had a fight with my mother-in-law. She said that I cleaned the kitchen the wrong way, so I threw a rag at her. Since then, she has not spoken to me. I will not apologize, because she insulted me and it is her fault. What should I do to keep a good relationship with her?

Dear 11. soc,

You should explain to your mother-in-law how her comment offended you. You should try to find common language with her and express how you feel.
